Sunday, April 03, 2005


In grade school science classes we were taught that, at an atomic level, all matter was in motion. I remember my confusion and my struggle to understand this new information. Believing that gasses and liquids were, at some level, in motion was easier for me than believing that solid objects like walls, rocks or the chair I was sitting on were moving.

Today, anyone looking outside can see the evidence of air in motion: flags fluttering, palm fronds swaying and clouds scuttling by at a brisk clip. What may not be evident, however, is that the club is moving.

Look at the newsgroup: no motion. Look at recent events: no motion. Look at club members: no motion. With all of our senses telling us that there is nothing moving, why would you believe me when I tell you differently?

You believe it because you can see evidence of this motion working within your own life. The best example is that you are reading this. The fact that you are reading this proves that there is motion within the club. To get to this post you must have read the Yahoo newsgroup, made a conscious decision to visit this site and, since this is not your first time here, you are actively investing your time and effort on this club.

Unlike a leaf caught in a stream, club members are not freely moving with the flow, spinning and spiraling wherever the current moves. Instead, members are more like blades of grass rooted in the streambed yet bending with the flow of the stream, feeling the pull but not submitting to it.

I will present another proof that there is significant motion within the club. Since you didn't post your views on the newsgroup, other members might assume that you were silent and unmoving. But you were moved enough by the small display of club activity that you took the time to contact me by phone or email to provide input and support. Your ideas and inspiration, regardless of how they are conveyed, are appreciated and are being incorporated into the structure of the club. What shouldn't surprise you is that you weren't the only one to provide support for the club in this way. The surprise is in the number of people that, like you, are silently propelling this club forward.

If you are sitting back, watching and thinking that there is no motion in this club, remember back to grade school when you struggled to understand that the atoms in a rock are endlessly spinning and know that sometimes our senses can be decieved.


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