Today was absolutely gorgeous... until you stepped outside and just about got blown over.
Another day with no chance of flight.
Rather than sit around and moan about not being able to fly, I put together the agenda for what I hope will be the next Parastars meeting. Whether this meeting will be only for officers and board members or whether it will include an open invitation to all members has not been determined. Actually, whether it will happen at all has not been determined. If I have my way, it will happen and there will be an open invitation to all members.
Some of the important issues that need to be addressed are:
1) what is the state of the club
2) what level of interest and commitment can we expect from officers/board members
3) what actions can be taken to get the club moving again
4) what are the duties of officers and board members
5) what short term goals need to be met to make the club a viable entity again
Taking a break from writing the agenda, I flipped back through some old pictures. Take a look at this one...

If you look really close there are 4 wings laid out getting ready to launch. There is another wing off to the side that was probably being used by a student to ground handle. And if you squint, you can just make out a pilot taking off further down the field.
At the minimum, there were 7 wings in the picture (ok, only 6 in the picture plus the one holding me aloft). Thumbing through the rest of the photos taken that day, I found this one which shows a bit more detail...

There are 13 vehicles lined up at the side of the field. That means that there were a minimum of 13 people at the field that day. It is possible that there were additional vehicles beyond the boundary of the picture.
And, as was often the case, there may have been additional cars parked on the road, their owners lined up at the fence, shielding their eyes from the sun, pointing at the pilots on the ground and raising their heads to follow as these pilots ran down the field and into the air.
We could all sit here being nostalgic and remember the good old days or we could pitch in and create a future that will include days that we can cherish as much as those pictured.
Join me, won't you?
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