The race: how to be a rat in two easy lessons
Well, it was almost "off to the races". But like a good little rat, I was just running in the big wheel, exhausting myself without making any headway.
We had been working with the great people at Desoto Super Speedway and Bradenton Motorsports on the use of their fields for club activities...
... follow my logic here...
... most people think flying is dangerous - the same way that most people think that racing is dangerous...
... some people are bothered by the sounds of motorsports - the same way that some people are bothered by the sounds of aviation...
... based on the perceived danger, insurance must be hard to get for racing - the same way that insurance is hard to get for flying...
... landowners must be somewhat sure of the legal applicability of waivers signed by motorsports drivers when operating at their facilities - the same way that we had hoped to use waivers to indemnify these same landowners.
To me, the similarities are obvious and there is a strong potential for mutual support. The only other group that would seem more compatible would be fellow aviators but the problem with trying to share facilities with winged counterparts is that we just move too slowly and could be a danger to each other. Even PPC's pose a serious problem when sharing the same facilities.
Long story short, it didn't work out at either place. We continue to look but it seems like we are running out of decent options. I'm not sure that there are even any indecent ones available, either.
One other thing that we were trying to get going was a weekend at Fort Desoto with camping, flying and a pig roast. This would have been a Parastars only event - a way to get club members together without distractions. The problem here is that the park requires event insurance and the club is not in a state where it can provide this. Yes, we have the EAA event insurance but we don't have a president or a treasurer or a secretary. To be able to hold an event like this we would need to verify that all club members are current EAA members. This was a function that we did every year when renewing our EAA chapter but it fell through the cracks this year.
So the question remains:
Would I be more of a rat to stop trying to support the Parastars, start a smaller EAA chapter (for insurance purposes) and get into parks and places of interest as a smaller group or should I continue to expend time and energy on a club that, on the surface, does not appear to care about staying together?
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